Thu, 28/03/2019 - 12:06
Hispanagar congratulates the company Ficosterra in their most recent success on a joint collaboration projects involving the development of fertilizers and bio fertilizers using the technologies based on algae and microorganisms. The novel technology provides the means for a more effective growth of plants and crops by maintaining in balanced the environment. It also represents a very attractive and absolutely new alternative for biotechnology and agriculture farming, while making sure to conform to the latest European regulations.
Ficosterra arose from the Institute of Applied Research of Hispanagar as a spin-off company. Their success underpins the laser-focus and single-mindedness of Hispanagar, spanning decades of experience and expertise in research, developing new applications related to marine algae.
Recently, Ficosterra has received several awards and recognitions. On February Ficosterra became the recipient of the Quality Innovation Award (QIA) in Beijing, China. The award category recognized small businesses and start-ups for their investigative work in algae research, transforming algae in a way that can be used for soil regeneration and optimizing agricultural yields heralding a paradigm shift in agriculture. Similarly, on March 22nd the company also received the Entrepreneur XXI award of Castilla y Leon province, promoted by CaixaBank, during their a conference created by CaixaBank specifically for the sole purpose of bringing together notable key players of innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and ecosystem investment.
Ficosterra products are registered with MAPAMA as organic, a humate soil amendments suitable for use in ecological agriculture (registered SHC).